Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo: Vol. 1: Testi
The first volume of Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo offers extracts of central and typical medieval Nordic texts from the period 1200–1500. There are four texts from each of the languages Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic, as well a a single text in Guthnic. Each text has a brief introduction, a facing translation into Italian, and a broad selection of textual notes. All texts have been transcribed and edited by the authors themselves, and for each text a facsimile is reproduced in order to display the manuscript from which the text has been edited. The general introduction aims at putting the linguistic development of the Nordic languages into perspective, as well as the textual genres and the manuscripts themselves.

- Coautori Coautori
- Bibliografia Bibliografia
- Note ai testi Note ai testi
- Eiríks saga víðforla Eiríks saga víðforla
- Gylfaginning Gylfaginning
- Njáls saga Njáls saga
- Hávamál e Baldrs draumar Hávamál e Baldrs draumar
- Barlaams saga ok Jósafats Barlaams saga ok Jósafats
- Speculum regale Speculum regale
- Strengleikar Strengleikar
- Gammelnorsk homiliebok Gammelnorsk homiliebok
- Sju vise mästare Sju vise mästare
- Erikskrönikan Erikskrönikan
- Herr Ivan Herr Ivan
- Äldre Västgötalagen Äldre Västgötalagen
- Guta saga Guta saga
- Urte-, sten- og kogebogen Urte-, sten- og kogebogen
- Legenden om Sancta Christina Legenden om Sancta Christina
- Eriks Sjællandske lov Eriks Sjællandske lov
- Skånske lov Skånske lov
- Introduzione Introduzione
- Prefazione Prefazione

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