Helland in retrospect


Giuliano D’Amico (ed)
Universitetet i Oslo
Ståle Dingstad (ed)
Universitetet i Oslo
Ellen Rees (ed)
Universitetet i Oslo


Dramatic Irony, Interpretation, Birth of Modernism, Idealism as Problem and Necessity


This volume contains ten newly translated scholarly works by the esteemed Ibsen scholar Frode Helland on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. The essays are arranged in roughly chronological order and accompanied by brief introductions. In reflecting over Helland’s many contributions to the field, it struck the editors that there is much value in his early scholarship, but that because most of this was written in Norwegian, it has not reached the international readership it deserves. His scholarly production spans many phases, including an interest in the ironic, the aesthetic, the melancholic, the political, and the global Ibsen.


  • Preface
    Giuliano D’Amico, Ståle Dingstad, Ellen Rees
  • Irony and Experience in Hedda Gabler
    Frode Helland
  • This Is Not a Pipe
    Frode Helland, Arnfinn Åslund
  • A Reply from the Doctoral Candidate
    Frode Helland
  • On Peer Gynt, with a Constant Focus on the Concept of Dramatic Irony
    Frode Helland
  • Henrik Ibsen and Politics: A Doll’s House
    Frode Helland
  • Ibsen and Politics: Ghosts
    Frode Helland
  • The Emperor of Interpretation
    Frode Helland
  • The Birth of Modernism: Henrik Ibsen
    Frode Helland
  • Idealism as Problem and Necessity
    Frode Helland
  • After Ibsen?
    Frode Helland
  • Sources for Frode Helland’s Original Essays
    Frode Helland
  • Works Cited
    Frode Helland

Author Biographies

Giuliano D’Amico, Universitetet i Oslo

Jeg forsker på nordisk litteratur fra 1800 og frem til i dag, med hovedfokus på Henrik Ibsens forfatterskap.

Frode Helland, Universitetet i Oslo

Dekan - Det humanistiske fakultet

Født 1964 i Oslo. Cand.Philol. ved UiO 1992 med fagene nordisk, filosofi og sosiologi. Dr.art. i nordisk litteraturvitenskap ved UiO i 1998. Førsteamanuensis og senere professor (fra 2001) i nordisk litteraturvitenskap ved NTNU 1997-2004. Professor II, NTNU 2004-2007. Professor i nordisk litteraturvitenskap, UiO siden 2004.

John David Crosby, NTNU
Festschrift Helland cover image



6 December 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
